Well, British weather, you certainly gave us all you could in terms of rain and wind! Thankfully, our glorious shepherd huts had real appeal in the turbulent weather over the three days of The Glamping Show, and we were delighted to see you all!

Thank you one and all for popping by (wiping your feet!) and seeing us at during the three day show. Your response to our stunning Brace hut, our cosy office Retreat hut, our perfect Turnkey hut, and our clever hands-on self-build hut was fantastic! Will says a big thank you to everyone who wished him happy birthday on the Saturday – he spends every birthday at The Glamping Show – to be fair, where else would he spend it?!

We’ve loved meeting you and sharing in your enthusiasm for our shepherd huts. ‘Quality’ and ‘special’ were two words we heard over and over! So, whether you are setting up a new glamping business, looking at farm diversification, seeking something special for your hotel, or hoping to expand build your own luxury retreat hut, we’ve got it all covered!

We’ll be in touch if you left your details, and please do post your pictures or videos and tag us! If you have any questions, do email us on info@blackdownshepherdhuts.co.uk